Saturday, October 3, 2009

To H1B or not to H1B - Redux

Some interesting comments at Note the article "Use H-1B or L-1 workers?" and the comment "H1-B Destroying our Education System".

"Have you ever heard that we are not educating enough people? As long as we keep allowing companies to use H1-b visas the demand for American Programmers will be low and colleges and Universities will get less interest in students wanting to be programmers because there is no demand in the job market for US Citizen Programmers. These actions and trends are bad for our education system and counter-productive for the United States of America.

Next time someone mentions something about lack of programmers blame in on the H1-b System, not our education system. I work at a community college and we have just about completely done away with our program in CIS or programming skills. We are focusing on Networking skills instead. I think this is directly related to H1-b visas."

Well said. What more do Americans need to know before they understand what is happening ?

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Please be concise and on topic. This blog is about jobs and foreign workers in the US, not about immigration reform.

Short comments are more readable than long treatises, as I keep reminding myself.