Monday, December 7, 2009

What It Takes To Do The Job

Here's an interesting question. What are the visa requirements equivalent to an H1B for an American working India ?

Would it be xenophobic for me to suggest that America have the same visa requirements for Indian nationals working IT jobs in America as Americans would face for the same jobs in India ?

Based on the rules for obtaining an Indian Employment Visa, these are my suggestions to level the H1B playing field:

  • An H1B is granted to those who are an employee of an American company ( not an offshore agency contracting to an American company ).
  • An employment contract letter. The letter must be detailed and comprehensive. ( presumably listing the infamous missing skills that Americans aren't supposed to have, what you might call the missing missing skills ).
  • An employment appointment letter that contains the salary information. The salary must be a "handsome amount" ( by American standards, not Indian standards ).
  • Visa extensions must be obtained from state governments, not the federal government ( that will put the cat among the pigeons ).

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, since H1B visas are for more than a year, make sure to include an HIV test report from the World Health Organization. Guess what happens if it comes back positive.

Now Indian H1Bs in the U.S. would face the same hurdles as Americans working in India ... aren't I just the worst xenophobic bigot you ever saw ? ;-)

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Please be concise and on topic. This blog is about jobs and foreign workers in the US, not about immigration reform.

Short comments are more readable than long treatises, as I keep reminding myself.